Sunday, September 14, 2014

Unit 2( P 14) Meeting HR Requirements: HRIS, HRI, Succession Planning

Human Resource Information System:

  • HRIS is a data base device for systematically tracking HR information. It is designed to collect, analyze, store, retrieve, and disseminate information about jobs and employees. It is computer based system developed form employee and pay-roll records.
  • HRIS is a systematic procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving, and validating data needed by an organization about its HR. It is part of the organization MIS. It has huge areas of applications.
  • HRIS is the data base in which organization collects, maintains, analyzes, and reports information on people and jobs.
  • HRIS refers to software packages that address HR needs with respect to planning, employee information access, and employer regulatory compliance. 
  • Thus, HRIS refers to application software, which is part of organization MIS. It is designed to collect, analyze, store, retrieve, and disseminate information about jobs and employees. It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information about employees in a faster and more efficient way.

It contains the following data about each employee:

  1. Personal Data module  
    • Identification particulars 
    • Educational particulars 
    • Technical qualification, if any 
    • Special skills, if any 
    • Earlier experience 
    • Special privileges category, such as:  ex-serviceman, handicapped, scheduled caste/ scheduled tribe, etc. if any 
  2. Recruitment module 
    • Date of recruitment 
    • grading in aptitude tests 
    • grading in leadership tests 
    • Overall grading 
    • Job preferences and choices, if any 
  3. Job Experience module  
    • Placement history 
    • Grade promotions 
    • Tasks performed grade-wise 
    • Significant contribution, etc. 
  4. Performance Appraisal module  
    • Performance appraisal at each job held 
    • Job experience evaluated in the light of job description 
    • Communication rating of inter-personal relationships 
    • Ratings of behaviors in a group 
    • Commitment to corporate goals, etc. 
  5. Training and Development module  
    • Nature of training received at each level 
    • Individual’s evaluation of effectiveness of training 
    • Current training assignment, if any 
    • Future training requirements, if any 
  6. Miscellaneous module  
    • Record of compensation and benefits received 
    • Health status 
    • Personal problems calling attention, if any 
    • Security needs, etc.

Importance and Uses of HRIS

  1. Support in HR planning and analysis
  2. Helps to maintain employee and labor relations
  3. Ensuring equal employment
  4. Determining compensation and benefits
  5. Know the present HR development stage
  6. Information regarding attendance, sick leave, health, safety, and security can be monitored

Human resource Inventory

  1. HRI is a skills, ability and capacity inventory of human resources currently employed in the organization. It helps manager to know what individual employees can do. It is based on HRIS
  2. The human resources of the organization are divided into managerial and non-managerial categories, the skills inventory is related with non-managerial employees and the management inventory is related with the managerial personnel.
  3. The profile of the human resource inventory can provide information for identifying current or future threats to the organization's ability to perform .It is necessary for a firm to identify the current capability and skills of their employees
  4. Skills inventories include: personal data, skills, special qualification, salary and job history, company data, Special preference of individual
  5. Management Inventories include: personal data, career goals, promotional potential, work history, strengths, weakness, number and types of employee supervised, total budget managed, previous management duties.

Succession planning:

  1. The need of good HR manager is always critical and perpetual, in consideration to situation of expansion or contraction of total workforce in an organization. Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company.
  2. Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in the company. Succession planning increases the availability of experienced and capable employees that are prepared to assume these roles as they become available
  3. Succession planning is nothing more than having a systematic process where managers identify, assess and develop their staff to make sure they are ready to assume key roles within the company.
  4. Succession planning assesses the likely turnover in key posts, identifies suitable candidates to fill these posts in future, and ensures that they have the right training and exposure for their future work.
  5. Having this process in place is vital to the success of the organization because the individuals identified in the plan will eventually be responsible for ensuring the company is able to tackle future challenges. These "high potential" candidates must be carefully selected and then provided training and development that gives them skills and competencies needed for tomorrow's business environment.
  6. Thus, it is a process of identifying, assessing and developing internal people to fill key role or business leadership positions within a company. It focuses to meet the likely turnover in key posts and to equip internal individuals with skill and competencies to meet future business environment.
Long Questions:
  1. "Succession planning is a process for identifying and developing internal people to meet the future vacant manger level position". Clarify with the process.
Short Question:
  1. List two importance of HRIS to the organization, which is not mentioned above.


  1. The two importance of HRIS are:

    1. To ensure fair and equal employment.
    2. To maintain employee relations and also help in monitoring the employee performance.

    Juhi Mishra

  2. Importance of HRIS. 1) meeting training needs. 2)identify manpower requirements
