Sunday, May 31, 2015

CH 3 (P 25) Developing HR:A system approach to training (Instructional system design)

 A system approach to training
The goal of Instructional Systems Design (ISD) or system approach to training is to improve performance based on approach to learning.  This process is also referred to as ADDIE because it includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.  There is not a single universally accepted model for training design. The various models all seem to share the assumptions that the effectiveness of the training depends on reaching training goals and objectives; measurable objectives should be identified in the design process; and evaluation is an integral part of the overall process.        
1. Analyze: It focus on determining:

  • Where the gap exist?
  • Who learners are?
  • What is the objective of the instruction?
  • What skill, knowledge and attitudes need to be taught?
  • How much content is needed in the instruction? 
  • It will help to determine exactly where the problem exists and what you want to achieve through training.

       Analysis stage broken down into:

  • Need analysis: Ideal performance – Actual performance
  • Problem analysis: Helps to determine cause of the problem and whether training is proper solution or not.
  • Goal analysis: Help to set realistic objectives that training want to achieve.
  • Trainee analysis: focus to determine the characteristics of the trainees, to better suit the training materials according to their needs.
  • Resource Analysis: This will determine the availability and the constraints on resources for training.
  • Job and Task analysis: This determines the tasks each employee needs to perform and the standards to which it must be performed.

2. Design: This phase involves determining specific learning outcomes and defining the scope to the training. Here determination is done for:

  • Learning objective 
  • Standard of performance
  • how will the training be delivered, 
  • how training is evaluated (construction of criterion measures), 
  • what delivery method to use, 
  • how content are sequence 
  • Selecting methods and media

3. Develop: It is the stage when all the training materials, documentation, and evaluation are chosen, written, or produced. In this phase evaluation is done of every material to ensure that they are meeting the standards set by the design phase.  The basic activities carried are:

  • Choosing training materials: The amount and type of training materials needed will directly depend on the methods and scope of the training determined in design phase.
  • Common material in training are: manuals, handouts, transparencies, videotapes, software, models etc.
  • Consideration for choosing materials depends on cost, availability, content, objective, models etc.
  • Creating training materials: Guides for creating training materials are:
    • Accuracy: Every piece of content throughout the materials must be accurate.
    • Focus: The training materials need to be tightly focused on the learning objectives.
    • Difficulty level: The materials should meet the trainee’s level of learning.
    • Creating program Evaluation Materials.
    • Evaluation materials development depends on what types of evaluation materials were selected in design phase.
    • The three most common criterion- referenced tests are pre-test, embedded test, and post tests.
    • Documenting training: It helps an organization make decisions about the effectiveness of training. Here documentation plan is made which include:
    • What training records will be kept?
    • How they will be kept.
    • Who will keep it.
    • How long it will be kept.

4. Implement: It is the stage where actual presentation of training is carried. The steps in implementing training are:

  • Prepare
  • Present
  • Practice
  • Follow up

5. Evaluate: It is phase of observing whether a program is working as it was panned and whether the trainees are progressing according to plan. It will also help to determine how much a program needs to be revised before it is offered again. It also provide means for :

  • Trainer to improve the training
  • The trainee to make better use of the training.

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