Sunday, August 24, 2014

Unit 1 (P 5) Generation Gap in the workplace

Characteristics of different generation of people at the work place

Videos on to watch and enhance understanding on four generation of employee at workplace.

  1. Characteristics of the Four Generations in the Workplace
  2. Managing Four Generations in the Workplace (Part 1)
  3. Managing Four Generations in the Workplace (Part 2)
  4. Baby boomers, Generacion X, Generacion Y y Millennials

Long Questions:

  1. Millennials are hard to mange and get work done form them. Give your views
  2. Millennials are sighted as the laziest generation. Do you agree or disagree?
Short Questions:
  1. Which generation is difficult to motivate?
  2. Point out a distinct characteristic of each four generation?

1 comment:

  1. Short answers
    1 . Baby boomers.
    2. T- Loyal towards organization
    B.B- want to hear "you are valued"
    Gen X - DIY kind of people
    Gen y - determined and participative
