Saturday, August 23, 2014

Unit 1 (P 4) HRM in Context: Personnel Management Vs Human Resource Management.

Personnel Management Vs Human Resource Management

Long Question:

  1. Development of HRM is credited to changes in environment. Explain the statement.
  2. "Shifting form Pluralist to Unitarist perspective". Do you think HRM is devaluing the fundamental principle of Pluralism? Explain with a suitable example.
Short Question:
  1. State any two differences between PM and HRM, other than which are mentioned above.


  1. PM is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization. HRM is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths in the organization.

  2. PM focuses on increased production and satisfied employees. HRM focuses on effectiveness, culture, productivity and employee's participation.

  3. 1.Decision making is slow in PM as communication is indirect/restricted and decision making is done by top level management only whereas decision making is fast in HRM as communication is direct and open and decision making is decentralized among employees.

    2.PM focuses on temporary solution of conflicts in the organization whereas HRM tries to eliminate the reasons behind such conflicts permanently scanning the environment inside and outside the organisation.

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