Saturday, August 30, 2014

Unit 1 (P 7) HRM in Context: Environment of HRM in Nepalese Organization.

Environment of Human Resource Management in Nepalese organization

  1. The diversity has flourished in Nepalese organizations: Nepalese organization is characterized by people having varied culture, social, and religious backgrounds, multiple and conflicting goals, and attitudes. 
  2. Faster changing conditions and increase in external pressure: Government regulations, competitive pressure, unionization of employee have exerted a strong influence on the functioning of HRM by many Nepalese organizations.
  3. Increased focus towards social obligation: HR manger in Nepalese organizations are bound to evaluate social impacts of their business and HR decisions, e.g., lay off, pressure to hire local people ethnic groups, women and minorities.
  4. Significant Development, improvement and enforcement of Acts : Government of Nepal (GON) has come out with a set of rules and regulation of the employment policy of organization through act like Labor act,  Union act, minimum wage directives, bonus act, etc.
  5. Growth of unions and industrial relations: Freedom to form and collectively raise voice to the upper management and government by unions has considerably increased and improved.
  6. Changing employee standard and professionalism: Entry of educated young mangers, more career orientation, entry of women and protected groups, more participation in decision making and job involvement.
  7. Changing in employees’ roles ,values and work expectation: Emphasis on quality of work life, equity and justice in work and rewards, participative decision making.etc

Long Question:
  1. "Today HR in Nepalese organization are more loyal to their skill than to their employee". Do you agree with the statement or not. Explain with reasons.
  2. " Growth of multiple unions and challenge to address their demand by management and government, reflects industrial relation in Nepalese context. Give you views.
Short Question:
  1. State any two environment of HRM in Nepalese organization. Other than mentioned above.

1 comment:

  1. Class Discussion
    Environment of HRM in Nepalese organization
    1. lack of sufficient knowledge of HRM on part of top management
    2. Increase in diversity issue
    3. change in employees values & attitude towards job, organization 7 fellow workers
    4. growth of unions & emphasis on industrial relations
    5. change in employee standard & professional
    6. employees are being more responsible
    7. development of government roles & regulation concerning proper HRM

    Ranjita Nagarkoti
