Saturday, December 6, 2014

CH 2 (P 18): Meeting HR Requirements: Orientation

Induction/ Orientation:

  • Orientation or induction is the task of introducing the new employees to the organization and its policies, procedures and rules. A typical formal orientation program may last a day or less in most organizations. 
  • Most orientation program includes two components: Broad, general property orientation and a specific job orientation.
  • In the general property orientation, company history and culture is clarified, company policies and procedures that pertain to all employees are explained.
  • In specific job orientation employees are familiarize with his/ her specific job responsibilities and the work environment. 
  • It also covers more routine things a newcomer must learn such as the location of the rest rooms, break rooms, parking spaces cafeteria etc. 
  • Lectures handbook, films, and group seminars, are also provided to new employees so that they can settle down quickly and resume the work.
  • In some organizations all this is done informally by attaching new employees to their seniors who provide guidance on the above matters. 

1 comment:

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