Saturday, December 6, 2014

CH 2 (P 17): Meeting HR Requirements: Selection

  • Selection is the process of choosing from those available individuals who are most likely to perform successfully in a job.
  • Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people.

Role of selection is important for organization success of two reasons:
  • Work performance depends on selection of capable individuals
  • Cost of wrong candidate selection is very high.

Selection process:
  • Reception of application:
  • Application Sorting: 
  • Preliminary interview: appearance and fluency in speech, why they are applying for the job, Salary etc.
  • Application blank (form): the choice of questions on the form should be such that they are valid predictors of employment success or failure.
  • Psychological or selection test: 
  • Interview:
  • Background Investigation:
  • Physical examination
  • Final selection by interviewers:
  • Induction
  • Placement

Testing and selecting employee: Selection tests and tools
  • Achievement test or Proficiency Test:  Helps to measure skills and knowledge of employee. The two test carried out are job knowledge test and work sample tests.
  • Aptitude or Potential Ability test: Helps to measure the ability of the candidate to learn new job or skill, reason for a problem or situation and mechanical aptitude to comfortably perform on job. 
  • Personality test: helps to know the value system, emotional reactions, and characteristics of candidate.
  • Interest test: Designed to discover a person’s areas of interest and kind of challenges that motivates.
  • Psychomotor or skills test: (Psychomotor skills are those skills that you have done so often that you don't think about how to do them while you are doing them) helps to measure person’s ability (skills) to do a specific job. Psychomotor skills are composed of the ability to learn how to balance the physical and mental attributes in order to achieve a certain goal.
  • Graphology test: Help to understand individual’s energy, spontaneity, balance and control on the basis of handwriting.
  • Polygraph test: Helps to ensure accuracy of information given by the applicant. It is a lie detector machine that measures a person’s heart rate, skin response and breathing rate.

Types of employment interview
  • Informal interview: when situation is urgent, not planned and there is labour shortage in the market. 
  • Formal interview: more formal office environment, with well structured question in systematic way.
  • Planned interview: to achieve desired objective. When interviewing follows a definite course of action, it can proceed with a minimum waste of time.
  • Patterned structured interview: Are planned interview conducted to understand the personality traits, motivation and interest level of the individual. It has nothing to do with job skills.
  • Non- directive interview: A nondirective interview is more general. The interviewer asks broad questions that allow the interviewee a lot of latitude in answering.
  • Depth and stress interview:  stress interview is where the employer uses a succession of interviewers whose mission is to intimidate the candidate and keep him/her off-balance. The purpose of this interview: to find out how the candidate handles stress and exhaustive analysis of the particular subject.
  • The group interview (discussion): Done to discover the leadership potential and how their views are accepted by other members.
  • Panel or board interview:  A group of interviewers interviews an applicant, suitable of managerial job applicants, due to cost associated with the interview.

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